Census Tract Data
This section enables you to consult the different census tract datas of the city you want. You can choose either the Density method or the Transportation method. For definitions of Transportation and Density methods, click here.
To find the location of a census tract identification number from these charts, please examine the ‘CTUID’ field contained in the spreadsheet. These ID numbers have nine digits, such as 1234567.00. The first three digits, 123, are the identifiers for the Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) or Census Agglomeration (CA). The census tract identification numbers are the last four digits 4567. The two digits after the decimal are used if a census tract has had to split due to increased population. This process ensures stability among census tract designations.
Maps of the locations of all census tracts in the CMAs and CAs are available from Statistics Canada at this site. Download the maps for your city and look for the census tract identification number.
Census tract profiles are also available on Statistics Canada with a summary of information about your census tract. In order to see the information for a particular census tract, simply copy the CTUID, go to this Statistics Canada page and paste the numbers and place them into the field listed as ‘option 3’.
Canada-wide Summary Files For Research Purposes
You can download one folder with the census data used for mapping of all the cities here.
You can download one Excel file with the 2021 classification of every Canadian Census Tract here.
How to get the Excel files with census data for individual cities
You will obtain the spreadsheet you want by following these three steps:
- First, click on the province you want on the mini-map below.
- Then, choose the method you want.
- Finally, choose the year when the data were measured.